Just An Observation Regarding The Human Eye, Space and Natural Selection:

Before God created the eye of Adam, He first drew it out using Space as his canvas, as seen in this picture of AC3HRC as taken by The Hubble Space Telescope. The marvel of Gods Creation and how we are a perfect reflection of it boggles my mind.

Just think that before the creation of life could ever even be considered, first He had to consider the need for light, meaning the most complex aspect of the human machine, the eyes had to be concieved, designed and created. Then He determined light vs darkness and shades of it in between.But wait, then He considered colors so it wouldn't just be a black and white World. Then on the color pallet we have light shades of color and dark shades of color, a whole spectrum of colors and light frequencies, some which can't even be seen with the human eye but are seen by different species of animals. Every one of them needed and appreciated by science in some way and for some application once we discover its existance that is.The complexity of just the reason for our eyes is so far beyond sciences comprehension they don't even try to ask why but are kept very busy trying to understand how. Now consider touch, feel, smell, taste, the ability to reason, the thought processes needed to jump, run, climb, make love or to force oneself to breathe underwater when you feel that pressure on your chest that we don't feel at sea level.All of this adds up to a creation that is so complex and diverse yet is an organised chain of life, what we call the food chain with higher and lower life forms on each rung of the ladder; the chance of this creation occuring in its perfection especially when you add in the seasons, climates, different elevations and weather patterns found in the sea, on the Land and in the Air, it becomes a mind boggling act of faith to think that this all came together by chance with no intelligent design. But hey, what do i know, i'm just a born again believer in Jesus Christ my Savior.
Actually the primates you mention are the best evidence in existance that evolution is a false science. If we have truly been here for 65 million years or more, and if we all started from the same linneage such as a single cell organism, and if because of our surroundings all hominids evolved in unique ways to become Arangatangs, Chimps, Gorrilas or Homo Sapien then why in all these additional millions of years of evolution haven't these other creatures at least learned to communicate, build social infrastructures, economies, or even monogomous families for that matter ?
If the original single celled organism that grew out of the primordial ooze had all of the building blocks within it to grow into intelligent humanity then it just doesn't make sense to say well, we were just lucky it was us and not the reptiles or birds or mammals or primates. If the original genetic material existed to allow man to grow into what we are then it isn't reasonable to give us the same starting point yet insist that somewhere along the way our brethren in the animal kingdom just spit out or breeded out the best part of themselves thereby denying themselves the ability to evolve as man has.
After all, man has placed pressure on every form of animal life in existance throughout history which according to the laws of evolution is exactly what is needed to force a species to evolve in order to not be dominated or destroyed by the species pressuring it. Now keep in mind that every assumption i've used to disprove evolutions accuracy as a science are taken from evolution itself. It takes much more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God the Creator.
He not only had to consider the eyes, but the ears as well. Light and sound both travel in electromagnetic waves. Radio waves are a set of wavelengths within electromagnetic light spectrum. Within the category of radio waves is an even smaller range of waves that we humans can hear. Essentially, all the categories of light and sound exist within the same spectrum. In water, wind, and fire - three of the four basic elements, the sound of Heaven, which is all the frequencies of the sound spectrum, can be heard It is God's desire for the sound of Heaven to be heard through the earth. As full of motion as they are, the first three basic elements are inanimate. Only we, the one portion of Creation endowed with free will, have a choice whether to align ourselves with the sound of Heaven or not. The more people we have worshipping together in one accord, the more chance we have to sound like a brewing tornado, a blazing forest fire, or a raging geyser. "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6) As I read this, I also can't help but think of 2 Chronicles 5:13,14 where the worship was so awesome, the glory (the radiant light and presence) of the Lord was so heavy, the priests could not stand to minister.
Oh that we would align our sprockets with that of Heaven so that we could hear and see more of Him, and win more souls, not through fancy programs, but through the expression of His glory!
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