Thoughts for today:

Todays observations
Welcome to the Truth Detecter on this 15th day of December in the year of our Lord 2005. It is a short 10 days till Christmas and only 6 days before my youngest daughter comes from Branson to spend the holiday with us.
In todays News the Iraqi elections are taking place and the turn out is phenomonal. The Sunni Terrorists are creating as much chaos as possible yet their influence on the average citizen is minimal. The so called Insurgents who are actually imported Terrorists, unless you ask a liberal, then their Freedom fighters to our Occupation forces, just killed another candidate for a High Political Office who was also a Sunni which make absolutely no sense at all to me.
Strangely enough, they killed the one guy who was actually getting involved in the Political System from their own religious sect. This is further proof that the Sunni's aren't fighting because they're being locked out of the Political Process, but because they are determined to destroy any chance for Democracy to exist for Iraqs average moslem citizen in favor of holding them strickly in bondage to Islamofascism.
Meanwhile on the homefront we are under a full fledged attack by our Political Adversaries of the Socialist/Communist Persuasion, ie the Liberals, the Left, more innocently known as the Democrats. Am i venemous enough for you ? After Howard Dean was lambasted for insisting that we can't win in Iraq he quickly did what the left does best and denied it as he accused the entire media of taking his comments out of context. Hey howie, you said it in a public speech that was RECORDED, all we did was replay your own words. You said it so own it you lieing coward.
On the Presidential Campaign front, Hillbilly Clinton, like any good snake is slithering down the middle of all issues as she attempts to recreate herself as a moderate democrat who is for the War, against tax increases, pro religion, pro-life and pro any other issue that she can buddy up to the conservative voter with. Untill she is elected of course then she'll revert to a Jim Corrizine type Democrat again who just raised the gas tax in New Jersey after campaigning hard on the promise, and i quote, " I will never raise the gas tax, especially since the price has gone up so much in these difficult times." What's the first thing he does as a re-elected Governor ? Raise the gas tax.
Two questions come to mind. 1) Will the Democratic Voter never learn that the Democratic Candidate will say anything to get elected and then do exactly what they want once elected ? 2) Will the Democratic Politician never learn that the American people only fall for that during mid term elections and always remember that the Liberal Dems can't be trusted during the Presidential cycle ? The Party of lies and deciet is dead morally, philosphically, spiritually and in all respects that are relavent to a Political Party that hopes to have any type of future at all.
So i would ask all conservatives everywhere to pray for Hillary to run in 08 because she will so polarize the electorate it doesn't matter who the Republicans put up, that person, whoever that is will win hands down. Nuff said for now. Ali...
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