Why do we exist ?

God decided at one time that to be served by creatures, the Angelic Hosts He created in love, yes; but He created them to serve Him none the less, and in His creation of them He allowed for no options within them but to serve Him, this was found to be wanting and lacking love and fellowship. Heaven, His abode was a very organized place and for most likely billions of years, things went along just fine. One day though, it occured to God that creatures that have no free will don't really challenge His intellect because everything they say or do has already been predetermined by Him.
So He decided to create a race of beings different and unique from all other life forms ever concieved by Him before because these new creatures were going to actually be made in His own image. They would themselves be creators, capable of love and even procreation with the ability to produce their own offspring. But most amazingly, these new creatures if they're really going to be made in His image would also have Free Will.So please understand the fabric and fibre from which you come is Holy, Eternal and the epitomy of life and over everything you consider to be Creation.
The one aspect of Gods knowledge He withheld from us was the Knowledge of Evil or from our perspective the ability to know the difference between Good and Evil. For this reason many ask then why did He even place that terrible tree in the garden if He didn't want us to be tempted ? There in lies the rub my friend, if we were to truly have free will, He could no longer with hold everything that would challenge that freedom of our excercising our own will.
Do you see it ? Are you absorbing the miracle of who you are ? Do you see now that all things work out for God's Glory to those who believe ? He has allowed the Fallen Angel Lucifer and his minions to continue in rebelion as an expression of Trust and Love in the inherant goodness in Man and in the belief and assurance that when all is said and done we will overcome and prevail in this Spiritual Battle for the soul of humanity that has lasted throughout the Ages of Mans Existance.
Do you see and understand who your Father is and what that makes you ? Do you understand now that you are from a Royal Bloodline with a linneage of the highest order in all of Time and Space ? That all of creation was designed and formed for our support and pleasure ? That even the Angels of God envy the place of Man in Creation ?
Consider who you are and then bow before our God, our maker, our Saviour and Worship Him in all of his Glory and Majesty and call Him Father for He created you as his Son or daughter through the first born of His Creation, Adam. I hope this answers your question my sibling. I hope it opens not only your eyes to the truth of who you are but also your heart and soul and fills them with the presence and love of Him who saves the Soul and sets it apart for Eternity. This is my hope for you my sibling.
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