Tuesday, December 20, 2005

In Response to Frank Mercers Question:

I've read through what you have written so far and am curious about your take on Intelligent Design vs. Factual Science. I would enjoy reading what you think about that issue.
Hi Frank, in response to your question about Creation vs Evolution the answer is simple, Science has never factually proven one aspect of the Theory of Evolution. I can and will post numerous articles of false deductions and even fraudulently obtained evidence that has been used to verify the false beliefs of Evolution. I believe in and will support the concept of Micro-Evolution, but Macro-Evolution the belief that all species of life on Earth had an original starting point is unproven and full of errors.

Let me explain what i mean by admitting i believe in and support Micro-Evolution and totally reject Macro Evolution. Charles Darwin sparked a revolution in scientific thought with the publication of his book, The Origin of Species, in 1859. With his concept of evolution by natural selection, Darwin attempted to render invalid the biblical idea that "every living thing produces life after its own kind."

In the first half of Species, Darwin cited evidence for "micro-evolution," or changes on a small level between species. His discovery of the several different types of finches on the Galapagos Islands with similar characteristics, derived from a common ancestor, comprised his evidence for micro-evolution. The 14 different species of finches vary according to plumage, size (from the size of a sparrow to that of a large blackbird), beak morphology, behavior and environmental habitat. They were each very different, yet closely related.

From this observation, Darwin then extrapolated his explanation for the origin of life forms from a common ancestor, or "macro-evolution." He used the evidence from the first half of his book on micro-evolution to suggest that the same mechanism could produce all life forms. However, this concept of macro-evolution is not supported by modern scientific evidence. Although we can explain and understand the mechanism behind micro-evolution, we still can only theorize about possible explanations for macro-evolution - since it has no scientifically valid occurrences.

This is my argument with the scientific Communities insistince that macro-evolution be tought to our children when it has never been nor will it ever be proven that an Ant will evolve into an Elephant given the time. Now i have no problem accepting that given 100 million and some unique changes to living conditions and habitat that Ants may some day have the potential of changing their appearance in some ways and may even grow as large as elephants if their environment allows for it, but i maintain and insist that an Ant will always be an insect and an Elephant will always remain a Mammal and never the twain shall meet.

So in conclusion, Micro-Evolution doesn't conflict with the story of Creation at all but Macro-Evolution totally distorts what is even a reasonable deduction according to not only common sense but also according to what every other field of Science has concluded up till now.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Dems: We Don't Have an Iraq Plan, But That's OK...

Nancy Pelosi in her Natural Habitat:

The Loft - http://www.gopusa.com/theloft -

Posted By Bobby Eberle On December 16, 2005 at 7:16 am
Prepare your mind and body for a trip into the Twilight Zone. Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives said yesterday that the Democrats will offer no unified position on Iraq in 2006. Despite claims by Democrats and the media that the Bush administration has no plan, Pelosi said that differing opinions within her party regarding Iraq are “a sign of strength.”
In comments made to the Washington Post, Pelosi told reporters and editors that Democrats “should not seek a unified position on an exit strategy in Iraq, calling the war a matter of individual conscience and saying differing positions within the caucus are a source of strength for the party.”

Pelosi said Democrats will produce an issue agenda for the 2006 elections but it will not include a position on Iraq. There is consensus within the party that President Bush has mismanaged the war and that a new course is needed, but House Democrats should be free to take individual positions, she said.
So, let’s get this straight… First, the Democrats are upset because they think the president doesn’t have a plan for Iraq, yet the Dems are going on record saying they won’t be offering one at all? Second, not only will they not be offering a plan, but the fact that they won’t is actually a good thing? Did I get that right?
The Democrats are in such a mess regarding Iraq, it’s a wonder how they can take themselves seriously. As the Post points out, Pelosi came out in favor of Rep. John Murtha’s recent call for swift withdrawal from Iraq. That position was denounced by House Democrat Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer. Pelosi’s comments of no unified message are counter to recent statements by other leading Democrats:
Her comments ruling out a caucus position appeared to put Pelosi at odds with some other party officials. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean recently said Democrats were beginning to coalesce around a strategy that would pull out all troops over the next two years. Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said on the day Murtha offered his plan, “As for Iraq policy, at the right time, we’ll have a position.”
All one needs to do is look at yesterday’s elections in Iraq — elections in which all major factions participated — and see that there is a plan for Iraq, and it’s working. The Iraqi people are building a new government and charting a new course in which Kurds, Sunnis, and Shites will work together unlike any other time in their history. That is real progress, and it is truly remarkable.
For Nancy Pelosi to criticize the president yet offer no plan of her own is poor politics. To offer no plan, yet claim that it is a “show of strength” is absolutely absurd.

The Future Will Be Scary Only To Those Who Have No Confidence In Their Place In Eternity.

Signs of the Last Generation:

The Bible says:
the final generation will be the one that witnesses the blossoming of the "fig tree."(Hosea 9:10)Fulfillment: Israel returned as a nation in 1948 fulfilling God"s promise to Abraham. Israel is always referred to as the "fig tree" and Christ taught that Israel"s forefathers were the first fruits in his fig tree.

The Bible says: there will be wars and rumors of wars.(Mark 13:7)
Fulfillment: The last 100 years have seen more wars than any time since creation.

The Bible Says: an army called "the Kings of the East" will march into the Middle East at the battle of Armageddon and have the Euphrates river dry-up before them.(Rev. 16:12)Fulfillment: Dams built in the 1970"s have given Turkey the ability to dry-up the Euphrates. In 1990 they stopped the river for a month to fill a reservoir. Now you can see why Turkey must be part of the Islamic camp....to make way for the three different attack routes the Russians and Arabs will utilize in their Magog attack on Israel.

The Bible says: there will be Earthquakes in diverse places.(Matthew 24:7) Fulfillment: Earthquakes have increased in frequency and intensity some 2,000% since Israel returned to the land in 1948.

The Bible says: an end-time global government will arise and break the world into ten regions described as the "Revived Roman Empire."(Rev. 13:1-2 & 17:12-13)Fulfillment: The same year Israel returned to the land a group known as the "Club of Rome" signed what was called the "Treaty of Rome" creating the European Union that plans to divide the world into ten regions. The Pope has called the E-U the "Revived Roman Empire." Signers of the treaty were quoted as saying: "We felt like real Romans that day....purposely recreating the Roman Empire.

"The Bible says: Jerusalem will be trodden-down by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles has come to an end. This is to happen just prior to the return of Christ.(Luke 21:24) Fulfillment: The Israelis recaptured Jerusalem in the 1967 war.

The Bible says: the generation alive at the time Israel returns to the land will not all pass away before all things, including the return of Christ with his saints, are accomplished.(Luke 21:29-32)Fulfillment: Pending. Depending upon the scripture reference a Biblical generation may be anywhere from 40-70 years. We are more than 50 years into that time frame.

The Bible says: During the Great Tribulation, God will have to shorten the daylight hours because the sun will be scorching man.(Rev. 16:8-9)
Fulfillment: Global ozone depletion is being blamed for the blinding of kangaroos in Australia as well as penguins and polar bears at the So. Pole where animals are also developing cancerous tumors. Children in So. America are being told to wear sun glasses while most of the krill off the tip of So. America are gone. This is the bottom of the food chain. Paint is oxidizing faster than normal in Australia where sperm counts in men have dropped precipitously. Frogs are mutating and dying in North America where skin cancers and cataracts are up 50-75%. The U.N., reports that some areas of the Earth have lost nearly all ozone. The ozone hole is now 3-times the size of Europe and nearly continuous volcanic eruptions are exacerbating the situation. Scientists are experimenting with ways to grow more algae in the oceans because of the death of large areas of plankton and algae. They are responsible for 1/4th of our oxygen supply.NOTE:The Bible says: The Antichrist will come from the same people who destroyed Jerusalem...the Romans. (Hence, the Revived Roman Empire.)

The Bible says: storms will become increasingly worse.(Luke 21:25-26)
Fulfillment: There have been record numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes and tornadoes beginning in the 1990"s. (Sustained winds routinely top 200MPH now.)

The Bible says: famines and pestilence will be common-place.(Luke 21:11 & Rev. 6:8)Fulfillment: There have been more deaths from famine since 1950 than any other time in history. Old diseases are gaining the upper-hand and new diseases are appearing regularly that have no cure.

The Bible says: The Antichrist will bring a 7-year peace and protection pact for Israel but that when they say "Peace and safety" that sudden destruction will come upon them.(1 Thes. 5:3)
Fulfillment: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose name means "Gift from God," has stalled the peace process with the Palestinians by demanding "Peace with safety and peace with security" prompting Arafat to turn to Europe, (the Revived Roman Empire), to join in the peace process.

The Bible says: The end-time apostate church will be clothed in scarlet and situated on seven hills.Rev. 17:3-6 and 9)
Fulfillment: The Roman Catholic church uses scarlet, sits on the seven hills of Rome, has the nickname-"Babylon," has a pope that says the church has fallen into irreversible apostasy, most of it"s leaders don"t acknowledge Christ as Messiah. The pope has expressed fears his successor may be the false prophet. The "Revived Roman Empire" will be a seven-headed beast that is scarlet in color with ten horns. The apostate church will be symbolized as a woman riding the beast. The E-U will use the same image on it"s single currency known as the "Euro." The image they minted on the first E-U coin was of Charles V. (The first emperor of the Roman Empire).The Bible says: Knowledge shall be increased and man will run to and fro about the face of the Earth. (Daniel 12:4) Fulfillment: Mans" knowledge took 1,450 years to double the first time. It now doubles every two years and science is forecasting that in the 21st Century it will double every few months.The Bible says: if Christ does not return no flesh will be saved.(Matthew 24:22)Fulfillment: Nuclear weaponry makes this the first generation capable of annihilating all life on Earth.

The Bible says: the Antichrist will allow the Jews to rebuild the temple and renew sacrifices.(2 Thes. 2:3-4) Fulfillment: Gershon Solomon and the Temple Mount Faithful have found the red heifer ashes necessary to purify the new temple, may have located the Ark of the Covenant, have computerized all Levitical priests" names for temple service, attempted to lay the cornerstone on the Temple Mount and have recreated nearly all implements necessary for temple worship. In fact, a snail used for the blue line on the bottom of the priest"s garment returned to Israel for the first time in 2,000 years when they began to work on the garment. Also, the first red heifer in two thousand years has been born in the Holyland.

The Bible says: Jerusalem will become a burdensome stone and a cup of trembling to the world just prior to Christ"s return. (Zec. 12:2) Fulfillment: What is holding-up the peace process in Israel is the insistence that the Jews will never give-up or even share Jerusalem. Look for war!

The Bible says: Russia will lead an Arab confederacy in an attack on Israel. (Ezekiel 38:14-16) Fulfillment: Presently, every nation mentioned in the Bible as being part of the attack is aligned with Russia and is being armed by them or China.

The Bible says: In the last generation men will be proud and boastful, lovers of themselves and pleasure rather than lovers of God and that children will be disobedient. (2 Tim. 3:1-5) Fulfillment: Look at modern America!

The Bible says: The end-time population will not repent of their sorceries, from the Greek word "pharmakea" from which we get the word "pharmacy". So, they will not repent of their drug abuse.(Rev. 9:21) Fulfillment: Drug usage is on the rampage worldwide and up 141% among American teens.

The Bible says: in the "last days" people will not want to hear sound doctrine. (2nd Tim. 3)Fulfillment: Turn on most TV preachers today!

The Bible says: there will be signs on the sun, the moon and in the stars. (Luke 21:25)Fulfillment: Look at the accomplishments of the space age.

The Bible says: a strong delusion will accompany the end-times. (2nd Thes. 2:11)Fulfillment: The New Age belief that man is God. The same lie Satan told in the Garden of Eden.Accept Christ today, It"s later than you think!

The Bible say's in the last days men will be as gods are. This article reminds me of how close we are...

Entire Island goes from dial-up to broadband wireless in 60 days.
MAURITIUS - RICHARDSON, TEXAS - January 11, 2005 - -- Navini Networks, Inc., the leading provider of non-line-of-sight, zero-install wide-area wireless broadband technology, today announced that it will supply the first complete nationwide deployment of broadband wireless access for the island of Mauritius for ADB Networks, a major independent service and support provider, headquartered in Mauritius.
Mauritius is an island situated in the South West Indian Ocean, with a central plateau and impressive mountains.
"Navini Networks provided us with a very compelling value proposition for our market," said Rizwan Rahim, chief executive officer of ADB Networks. "With portable service for subscribers throughout the island, competitive pricing and plug and play as soon as the customer receives the modem, usually the same day that they order service."
"We looked at other high speed broadband options and in our scenario, DSL and cable modem were not viable options," Said Rahim. "The rugged terrain of Mauritius requires a solution with no line of sight and cost effective deployment. Navini's nomadic broadband wireless access was clearly the best choice. We can deliver broadband where it didn't exist, virtually overnight."
"With Navini's portable wireless broadband access, the entire island of Mauritius will now be completely unwired." said Roger Dorf, president and chief executive officer, Navini Networks. "In addition, they will be superbly positioned to take advantage of next generation mobile broadband wireless access, 802.16e-based WiMAX."
"This is the first step in bringing true portable mobile broadband wireless access to Mauritius," said Rahim. "Navini's network provides instant high speed access to 1.2 million potential users and delivers unprecedented contiguous coverage of more than 100 square miles to meet residential, business and recreational needs of the entire island. "
Navini Networks offers a unique wireless broadband technology solution that will unwire Mauritius and will benefit businesses, residences and tourists immediately. The Navini wide-area wireless broadband system is a Non Line of Sight (NLOS) WWAN solution powered by smart antennas. The technology provides a very wide range of coverage - miles from the base station. And because it is a zero-install solution within its NLOS coverage area, it takes little effort for the subscriber to get up and running.
"Plug and play broadband access is the perfect solution since traditional solutions like DSL couldn't deliver a business case given the rugged terrain of Mauritius." Said Dorf. "Navini Networks offers complete and instant portability to keep subscribers connected at home, at work, at school or on the beach. Anywhere."
About Navini Networks Headquartered in Richardson, Texas, the heart of the Telecom Corridor, Navini Networks offers patented wide-area wireless broadband technology that addresses the world's need and desire for high-speed Internet access. Navini provides nomadic, zero-install, non-line-of-sight infrastructure to allow for anytime, anywhere Web access. Navini Networks' Ripwave™ products consist of a customer modem, base station, and element management system (EMS) and run in the 2.3 GHz WCS, 2.4 GHz ISM, 2.5/2.6 GHz ITFS/MMDS and 3.5 GHz WLL spectrums. Navini's solution results in a price/performance combination that is superior to other broadband offerings in the marketplace, with phased array smart antennas. Navini Networks delivers on the vision of 802.16e today using smart antennas and is uniquely positioned with a viable mobile WiMAX evolution. For more information on Navini, please visit http://www.navini.com/.

What Next: Iraq Freed Al-Zarqawi Last Year...

This is so outragous i don't know quite how to deal with it. So it seems that all this murderous thug has to do to avoid harsh scrutiny if captured is not carry a weapon. To think that Iraqi security forces caught terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in the Fallujah area last year but released him because they didn't realize who he was, the deputy interior minister said in an interview broadcast Friday.
The deputy minister, Maj. Gen. Hussein Kamal, told the Lebanese Broadcasting Corp., that Iraqi police "suspected this man" and detained him "along with other members" of his group.
"Afterward, he was released because we did not know the identity of this criminal," Kamal told LBC. The station said the remarks were made Wednesday but were aired Friday.
"He was not armed," Kamal said. "He was like any other citizen who was suspected. There was a simple interrogation with him and he was released."
Kamal said the incident occurred "about a year ago, approximately." U.S. forces overran Fallujah in November 2004, ending domination of the city by insurgents and Islamic extremists, including al-Zarqawi's al-Qaida in Iraq group.
Thousands of people were rounded up after the city fell. Most were interrogated and released.
CNN broadcast a similar report late Thursday, but it could not be confirmed. But a U.S. official said in Washington that American intelligence believed it was plausible. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in compliance with office policy.
There have been several reports of missed opportunities to capture al-Zarqawi, including an April 28 raid by U.S. forces acting on a tip from local informants that militants reportedly including the terror leader were hiding in a hospital in Ramadi.
Al-Qaida in Iraq and Iraqi officials also denied reports last month that al-Zarqawi was among those killed in a raid and gunfight in the northern city of Mosul.
Al-Zarqawi, who has claimed responsibility for several attacks in Iraq along with the kidnappings and beheadings of foreigners, has a $25 million bounty on his head.
He also drew criticism in his home country of Jordan after his insurgent group claimed responsibility for the deadly Nov. 9 attacks on hotels in Amman.
Jordan sentenced al-Zarqawi to death in absentia for planning a terror plot that led to the 2002 killing of U.S. aid worker Laurence Foley. He has claimed responsibility for several other plots in Jordan, including a foiled April 2004 chemical attack.

Judgement Is Coming, A Messianic Message...

Masei For the week / 1 Av 5765Torah: Bemidbar / Numbers 33:1 - 36:13; 28:9-15Haftarah: Jeremiah 2:4-28, 3:4; Isaiah 66:1,24
The Israelites set out from Rameses on the fifteenth day of the first month, the day after the Passover. They marched out boldly in full view of all the Egyptians, who were burying all their firstborn, whom the LORD had struck down among them; for the LORD had brought judgment on their gods. (Bemidbar / Numbers 33:3,4)
The stages of Israel's journey are retold at this point in the Torah because God commanded Moses to do so. A recurring theme throughout the Bible is remembrance. Knowing how easily we forget the past, we must continually and purposefully remember our history and the lessons learned. When we don't, we lose perspective and risk repeating past mistakes.
As the people of Israel faced their challenges during the wilderness years, there were times when some wanted to return to Egypt. They had forgotten how terrible their lives had been there. In their minds their current problems (lack of food and water, the threat of attack, a general sense of not knowing what would happen to them), seemed far worse than their years of slavery under Pharaoh's harsh rule. They had forgotten how truly bad it had been.
There was something even greater that they were in danger of forgetting, which is the very thing God was reminding them of at this particular time. God's rescuing of his people from Egypt was not just about his concern for them (though that played a major part), he was also executing judgment on Egypt's gods. The peoples of both Israel and Egypt witnessed the power of God as he demonstrated his assessment of Egypt's spirituality.
God does not unleash his judgment on an ongoing basis. He takes no delight in punishing his precious human creatures. Because of his mercy, he is very patient with us, giving us as much time as possible to turn from our wickedness. While we cannot predict when God's patience will reach its limit, he doesn't wait for us forever. Eventually God does act in judgment, punishing individuals, communities, and nations for our stubborn insistence of neglecting him and his ways.
It was essential for Israel to remember God's judgment of Egypt. They needed to understand that no matter how difficult their circumstances were or would become, there is more to life than whatever is happening at a given time.
In our own day, we need to remember this as well. We live in frightening and confusing times. Terrorism, new diseases, social and genetic experiments all threaten the basic building blocks of our existence. Where will all this take us? The impression I have is that most people ignore what's going on in the world. They ignore it by drowning themselves in whatever diversion they can find, be it their work, their families, or every type of pleasure.
The fact remains that God is still God. Even though it often appears that he is not involved in our affairs, he is assessing us. We and the societies in which we live, will be judged. Unless we turn to him, accepting his offer of love and salvation though the Messiah, we will be no different from the Egyptians of old. The choice is ours.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

God Freely Giving, Man Humbly Receiving

A study in learning to graciously recieve the Gifts our Father wants us to have.
God Freely Giving, Man Humbly Receiving He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? What do you have that you did not receive from Him ? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you glory as if you had not received it freely ?(Romans 8:32 and 1 Corinthians 4:7) The Lord's plan for rescuing and transforming lives by His grace is established upon the Son of God being given for us as a sacrifice for our sins: "He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all." This gift of God's Son assures us that God will also give us with Christ everything we need. "How shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? " God's giving is to be coupled with man's receiving. As God is freely giving to man, He wants man to be humbly receiving from Him. Every blessing that we have was received from God. "What do you have that you did not receive? " There is no other source from which we can receive true spiritual benefits than the Lord above. "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven" (John3:27). The joy of having Jesus dwelling in our lives as the children of God became true by us receiving Him. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12). The fact that we are now reconciled to God and are no longer His enemies is based upon us receiving the gift of reconciliation. "We also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation" (Romans 5:11). The privilege of serving the Lord in ministry is a gift of grace to be received: "the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24). The spiritual gifts that we need for enablement in our ministries is another blessing received from the Lord. "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another" (1Peter 4:10). From initial salvation to growth and service, all that is needed must be received from the Lord. This is an encouraging reality. Yet, it is also a humbling truth. It leaves no room for us to glory in ourselves."Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you glory as if you had not received it?"Dear Lord, I confess that every blessing I have ever received was given by You from above. I bow humbly before You, admitting that I do not deserve even one of Your innumerable benefits. Lord, I praise You for freely giving to me. I want to humbly receive from You day by day,in Your gracious name, Amen.

NASA Makes Additional Design Changes To Shuttle Tanks

NASA plans to change the space shuttle's external fuel tank again, this time removing a troublesome section of protective foam that broke off during the launch of Discovery last July, the space agency said Thursday.
The removal of more foam from the tank and further testing to find the root cause of cracks in the foam could lead to a longer delay until the next shuttle flight, tentatively set for May. But NASA official Bill Gerstenmaier, who is leading the investigation into the foam loss, said that's not necessarily the case.
The targeted foam section protects a cable tray that runs along the tank. "We think that's the best thing to do, just take it off," Gerstenmaier said.
NASA had redesigned the fuel tank after a large piece of insulating foam hit the wing of the shuttle Columbia in 2003, sparking the disaster that killed seven astronauts. The shuttle fleet was grounded after that and again after Discovery's launch last July when a smaller piece of foam broke off that shuttle's tank despite the redesign.
Discovery also lost other pieces of foam in four other areas, including the same spot where a large chunk came loose during Columbia's liftoff.
The removal of the large foam section doesn't require a redesign of the tank's structure, Gerstenmaier said, meaning the chances of a May launch aren't necessarily in jeopardy.
Three members of the Columbia accident board with technical expertise couldn't be reached for comment about NASA's latest plans.
Engineers want to test the tank in a wind tunnel to see if there are any problems with removing the foam section, known as a protuberance air load, or PAL, ramp. They need to further analyze what is causing the cracks when two layers of foam on the tank are exposed to chilling temperatures during fueling with supercold hydrogen.
NASA is very aware of the money spent on returning the shuttle to flight, Gerstenmaier said, and has taken some cost-saving measures, such as dropping some research on repairing the shuttles' thermal tiles that aren't as far along as other techniques.
The space agency needs to fly its aging shuttles 19 more times to finish construction of the international space station before the shuttle fleet is retired in 2010.
"The focus has got to be on understanding the cracking phenomenon and working out an engineering solution, and then that will drive us to what we think the right period is for launch," Gerstenmaier said. "We don't need to have a flight this spring to make the 19 flights."

Ahmadinejad is a True Threat to World Peace:

The Iranian president has done it again. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has caused a political controversy that has made headlines worldwide following his fiery comments on Israel and the Holocaust during last week's Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Mecca.
During an interview on the sidelines of the conference, Ahmadinejad said that if the West really wanted to make up for the Holocaust, Israel should be moved to Europe. "You oppressed them, so go ahead and give part of Europe to the Zionist regime and let them establish any government they want. We would support it," he said.
"So, Germany and Austria, come and give one, two, or any number of your provinces to the Zionist regime so that they can create a country which all of Europe will support and the problem will be solved at its root."
Ahmadinejad had caused a similar uproar in October when he said that Israel should be "wiped off the map." An angry reaction from Europe was generated along with the United States and Russia, an ally of Iran. British secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs, Jack Straw, said that the words of Ahmadinejad "have no place in a civilised political debate". Germany was the staunchest critic, with Chancellor Angela Merkel describing the remarks as "totally unacceptable" and the German government announcing that it would protest to the Iranian ambassador. Germany is reportedly pushing for a joint declaration of condemnation by European countries during this week's EU summit.
Needless to say, the comments triggered a great deal of speculation. This time, however, those who had argued that Ahmadinejad's inflammatory remarks may have been due to his lack of experience did not receive much support. Instead, analysts agreed that Ahmadinejad is well aware that his words will cause anger in the West. Their argument is that the Iranian president expressed these comments specifically during the Islamic Conference in order to enhance the image of Iran as the only country that can stand against the West and that dares to expose the involvement of the West with Israel.
By reviving the tough language of the Islamic Revolution, analysts believe, Ahmadinejad is also courting Iranians at home with the aim of enhancing his image as a political leader.
Nor is the Iraqi perspective far from Ahmadinejad's calculations. According to analysts, he might attempt to take the lead in a battle that is neither in Israel or Iran, but in Iraq. According to analyst Mohamed Al-Ashhab Iraq has "become the world's laboratory: starting from banned US weapons to extremist sectarian fights. Everyone is taking their chances and the outcome is completely unknown, this is a situation which has not occurred since World War II."
According to analysts, it is clear that Ahmadinejad is deliberately demeaning Israel, assuming that the Western countries might finally understand that they have to deal with Iran with a different mentality, whether concerning its location, its role in the Middle East, or its nuclear programme.
Through these provocative remarks, Al-Ashhab argues, the Iranian president is sending a clear message that Iran is no ordinary player in the regional arrangements in Iraq and the Middle East, but "a main and pivotal player whose cards are divided between its controversial nuclear dossier and its growing influence in Iraq."
The controversy over Ahmadinejad's verbal attacks against Israel has cast a shadow over crucial negotiations between the EU-3, Britain, France and Germany, and Tehran over Iran's nuclear fuel programme that is taking place on 21 December.
Meanwhile, Tehran is rallying behind the Iranian president, with Iranian officials expressing their surprise that the international community has so vehemently condemned Ahmadinejad's remarks.
"I'm surprised by the reaction to these comments. The president's statements were clear: if the Europeans have treated the Jews badly, they have to compensate at their own expense, not at the expense of the region," Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said.
One of Iran's top religious leaders, Ayatollah Mohamed Emami Kashani, while addressing the weekly Friday prayer congregation at the Tehran University campus, commended Ahmadinejad for "echoing" at the OIC summit the very same concerns that Supreme Leader Ali Khameini had raised at the OIC summit in Tehran five years ago.
Ayatollah Kashani criticised the Western media for its prejudice towards Ahmadinejad, and went on to convey great appreciative words for Ahmadinejad's government, which he said was "wise enough to run the country". He expressed confidence that Ahmadinejad's leadership would "spare no efforts in meeting the problems of the people and in advancing the country and the society to a higher level".
The whole Iran-Israel saga, however, did not draw any reaction from the Arab world. While the timing and convenience of Ahmadinejad's words were debated, Ahmadinejad's argument is hardly a surprise to the Arab audience.
Abdul-Wahab Badrakhan wrote in the London-based newspaper Al-Hayat that the American-European West have spent the last five decades covering up for Israel's crimes and supporting countless illegal and inhumane violations which have been used to implant Israel in the middle of the Arab region. "After the Arabs stopped fighting it [Israel] and even stopped condemning its existence, the Iranians extract slogans, considered outdated and obsolete, to remind the West and Israel that the historical facts do not match up with the image they have been portraying and which they work hard to sustain."
Concerning the political "civilised" debate, according to Jack Straw's definition, Badrakhan argued that the Arabs have, in fact, tried out such approaches. In 2002, the Arabs adopted a peace initiative in the Beirut Summit which Israel reacted to by re-occupying the Palestinian territories and committing more massacres. "Straw or the US president or any Western leader did not point out that Israel's behaviour was not at all civilised. Nor did any of them refer to the racist fence as uncivilised and worthy of condemnation, highlight that it should be dealt with under the seventh article of the UN charter." Even worse, Badrakhan added, Israel has been rewarded with recognition, especially in a speech voiced by the UN secretary-general who declared that the justification for Israel's existence is the Nazi Holocaust. "Ahmadinejad's statements might deserve Western condemnation, but it is difficult for the Arabs to endorse this condemnation -- even if they did not line up in support of the Iranian president."

Thoughts for today:

Sombrero Galaxy

Todays observations
Welcome to the Truth Detecter on this 15th day of December in the year of our Lord 2005. It is a short 10 days till Christmas and only 6 days before my youngest daughter comes from Branson to spend the holiday with us.

In todays News the Iraqi elections are taking place and the turn out is phenomonal. The Sunni Terrorists are creating as much chaos as possible yet their influence on the average citizen is minimal. The so called Insurgents who are actually imported Terrorists, unless you ask a liberal, then their Freedom fighters to our Occupation forces, just killed another candidate for a High Political Office who was also a Sunni which make absolutely no sense at all to me.

Strangely enough, they killed the one guy who was actually getting involved in the Political System from their own religious sect. This is further proof that the Sunni's aren't fighting because they're being locked out of the Political Process, but because they are determined to destroy any chance for Democracy to exist for Iraqs average moslem citizen in favor of holding them strickly in bondage to Islamofascism.

Meanwhile on the homefront we are under a full fledged attack by our Political Adversaries of the Socialist/Communist Persuasion, ie the Liberals, the Left, more innocently known as the Democrats. Am i venemous enough for you ? After Howard Dean was lambasted for insisting that we can't win in Iraq he quickly did what the left does best and denied it as he accused the entire media of taking his comments out of context. Hey howie, you said it in a public speech that was RECORDED, all we did was replay your own words. You said it so own it you lieing coward.

On the Presidential Campaign front, Hillbilly Clinton, like any good snake is slithering down the middle of all issues as she attempts to recreate herself as a moderate democrat who is for the War, against tax increases, pro religion, pro-life and pro any other issue that she can buddy up to the conservative voter with. Untill she is elected of course then she'll revert to a Jim Corrizine type Democrat again who just raised the gas tax in New Jersey after campaigning hard on the promise, and i quote, " I will never raise the gas tax, especially since the price has gone up so much in these difficult times." What's the first thing he does as a re-elected Governor ? Raise the gas tax.

Two questions come to mind. 1) Will the Democratic Voter never learn that the Democratic Candidate will say anything to get elected and then do exactly what they want once elected ? 2) Will the Democratic Politician never learn that the American people only fall for that during mid term elections and always remember that the Liberal Dems can't be trusted during the Presidential cycle ? The Party of lies and deciet is dead morally, philosphically, spiritually and in all respects that are relavent to a Political Party that hopes to have any type of future at all.

So i would ask all conservatives everywhere to pray for Hillary to run in 08 because she will so polarize the electorate it doesn't matter who the Republicans put up, that person, whoever that is will win hands down. Nuff said for now. Ali...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Why do we exist ?

Let me try to to explain the dychotomy of humanity for you my friend and you will understand better how even though we humans are in great need of fixing, we are also worth the effort from the perspective of the only one who counts, The Living God of Creation. And that is where we start with this story.

God decided at one time that to be served by creatures, the Angelic Hosts He created in love, yes; but He created them to serve Him none the less, and in His creation of them He allowed for no options within them but to serve Him, this was found to be wanting and lacking love and fellowship. Heaven, His abode was a very organized place and for most likely billions of years, things went along just fine. One day though, it occured to God that creatures that have no free will don't really challenge His intellect because everything they say or do has already been predetermined by Him.

So He decided to create a race of beings different and unique from all other life forms ever concieved by Him before because these new creatures were going to actually be made in His own image. They would themselves be creators, capable of love and even procreation with the ability to produce their own offspring. But most amazingly, these new creatures if they're really going to be made in His image would also have Free Will.So please understand the fabric and fibre from which you come is Holy, Eternal and the epitomy of life and over everything you consider to be Creation.

The one aspect of Gods knowledge He withheld from us was the Knowledge of Evil or from our perspective the ability to know the difference between Good and Evil. For this reason many ask then why did He even place that terrible tree in the garden if He didn't want us to be tempted ? There in lies the rub my friend, if we were to truly have free will, He could no longer with hold everything that would challenge that freedom of our excercising our own will.

Do you see it ? Are you absorbing the miracle of who you are ? Do you see now that all things work out for God's Glory to those who believe ? He has allowed the Fallen Angel Lucifer and his minions to continue in rebelion as an expression of Trust and Love in the inherant goodness in Man and in the belief and assurance that when all is said and done we will overcome and prevail in this Spiritual Battle for the soul of humanity that has lasted throughout the Ages of Mans Existance.

Do you see and understand who your Father is and what that makes you ? Do you understand now that you are from a Royal Bloodline with a linneage of the highest order in all of Time and Space ? That all of creation was designed and formed for our support and pleasure ? That even the Angels of God envy the place of Man in Creation ?

Consider who you are and then bow before our God, our maker, our Saviour and Worship Him in all of his Glory and Majesty and call Him Father for He created you as his Son or daughter through the first born of His Creation, Adam. I hope this answers your question my sibling. I hope it opens not only your eyes to the truth of who you are but also your heart and soul and fills them with the presence and love of Him who saves the Soul and sets it apart for Eternity. This is my hope for you my sibling.
A Panoramic view of Mars in 3D so if you have glasses, put them on and visit another World with me.
Always remember, as the World become a darker place, and as the sky blackens with Storm Clouds of Tribulation and the Seas are churned up in a frenzy of chaos and uncertainty, You are never alone if you rest in the quiet Strengh, Solitude and Security of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who died so that we might live, and live more abundantly. Lord we Praise you in the midst of this Storm that you are also here and not only with us but holding us safely in your arms so we wont be blown to and fro from the winds and turbulence in this World of chaos and strife. Amen and Thank You Master for your eternal presence... Your Unworthy Servant, Ali

Wildebeasts crossing the Seranghetti below the Noon Day Sun

The Cat's Eye Nebula:

The Cat's Eye Nebula and the Helix Nebula are excellant examples of our Heavenly Fathers Gorious Creation. To think that such amazing spectacles could exist by accident just boggles my mind.

Outragious ! Iran's President denies Holocaust.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is at it again. He said on Wednesday that the Holocaust was a myth, triggering a fresh wave of international condemnation.
Last week Ahmadinejad first aired his doubts on the veracity of the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were killed by the Nazis. His comments drew a rebuke from the U.N. Security Council.
"They have fabricated a legend under the name 'Massacre of the Jews', and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the prophets themselves," he told a crowd in the southeastern city of Zahedan on Wednesday.
The speech was broadcast live on state television.
European countries called the remarks unacceptable and said they could undermine plans for talks with Tehran on its controversial nuclear program.
Israel said the comments showed Iran's "rogue regime" was acting outside acceptable international norms.
Ahmadinejad, a former Revolutionary Guardsman who was elected president in June, in October called Israel a "tumor" which must be "wiped off the map," provoking a diplomatic storm and stoking up fears about Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Washington accuses Tehran of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is only for generating electricity.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the Holocaust remarks could weigh on European Union efforts to resolve the dispute over Iran's nuclear program.
"The recent remarks by the Iranian president ... are certainly shocking and unacceptable," he told reporters. "I cannot deny that they may weigh on our bilateral relations and naturally also on the chances for the negotiations on (Iran's) so-called nuclear dossier."
Iran's hardline press largely rallied round the president's first Holocaust remarks but the Islamic Iran Participation Front, Iran's leading reformist party, printed a critical statement in the liberal Sharq daily on Wednesday.
"Provocation ... and starting this sort of talk, which benefits neither Iranians nor oppressed Palestinians, will only increase consensus on supporting the (Israeli) regime and will unify the approach against Iran," it said.
Israel's foreign ministry said Ahmadinejad's comments on Wednesday showed "a warped understanding."
"The combination of extremist ideology, a warped understanding of reality and nuclear weapons is a combination that no-one in the international community can accept," said spokesman Mark Regev.
European Commission spokeswoman Emma Udwin also described the remarks as "completely unacceptable."
"Such interventions will do nothing to rebuild confidence in Iran's intentions," she said.
Commentators have said that Ahmadinejad sees himself as a popular, pan-Islamic leader in the mold of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic revolution.
Tehran-based political analyst Mahmoud Alinejad said the president perhaps feels his speeches were winning Iran diplomatic clout.
"There is a perception, based on past experience that only when Iran threatens and pushes does the West back off," he said.
Ahmadinejad accused the Israeli government and its allies of hypocrisy and reiterated his view that Israel should be moved from "dear Palestine" to Europe, America or Canada.
"If your civilization consists of unjust acts, oppression and poverty for the majority of the globe to provide your own people welfare, then we shout at the top of our voices that we hate your frail civilization," he added.
This was greeted by rapturous cries of "God is the Greatest" from the crowd.

First France, Now Australia. Islam is moving again.

Another Country on another Continent is suffering the wrath of islamic fundamentalists who are revolting in the streets and contributing nothing but chaos to another Country that has given them shelter and a home in a Country free from oppressive rule. At what point will the World unite and stand against Radical Islam with the option to live in peace or be excommunicated from civilized Societies World wide. Let every Western Country evict every moslem back to the Country of their birth if they refuse to live in peace within the Country of their adoption.

Racial violence hits Sydney for second night
SYDNEY AUSTRALIA - Seven people were injured and dozens of cars damaged in a second night of racial violence spread across Sydney, Australian police said on Tuesday, as they were given special powers to stop the unrest.
Gangs of youths, mainly of Middle Eastern background, attacked several people with baseball bats, vandalised cars and were involved in rock-throwing skirmishes with police on Monday night, officials said.
At Maroubra Beach, police said they found 30 Molotov cocktails and crates of rocks stockpiled on rooftops, as hundreds of local surfers gathered.
"These criminals have declared war on our society and we are not going to let them win," Morris Iemma, premier of the state of New South Wales, said on Tuesday.
"You will not take control of our streets," said Iemma, announcing police will be given "lockdown" powers which will allow them to prohibit entry into specified areas.
Police said this kind of violence was new to Australia.
"We're dealing with an unprecedented situation the likes we haven't seen in Australia before, with this type of racial tension and these types of series of smash and bash attacks across multiple fronts," New South Wales assistant police commissioner Mark Goodwin told local radio on Tuesday.
Australian media reported that mobile telephone text messages from Australians of Anglo-Saxon and Middle East backgrounds were both calling for revenge attacks to continue.
Islamic youth leader Fadi Abdul Rahman said further trouble could be brewing as Muslim youths were angry, believing police were not treating them fairly.
"They feel they have been dealt with by the authorities differently to the way Anglos have been dealt with," he said.
"They feel injustice and they feel angry about it."
Prime Minister John Howard again called on Tuesday for calm and tolerance, but again refused to describe the violence as racist, instead labeling it a law and order issue and "domestic discord," stressing Australia was not a racist nation.
Racial violence erupted at Sydney's Cronulla Beach on Sunday when some 5,000 people, some yelling racist chants, attacked youths of Middle Eastern background.
Drunk mobs of youths, some wrapped in Australian flags, said they were defending their beach after lifesavers were attacked. They believe the attackers were of Lebanese background.
Police said white supremacists incited violence at Cronulla.
Sydney's Lebanese youths struck back on Sunday night, smashing cars, assaulting people and fighting police in several different suburbs, police said.
On Monday night, hundreds of Muslims were involved in an angry standoff with police outside a Sydney mosque in the western suburbs. Up to 25 cars with youths then drove to Cronulla and used baseball bats to damage cars and smash windows, police said.
The second night of racial violence prompted criticism of Australia's multi-cultural immigration policy, with commentators saying ethnic differences have been fostered for many years, leaving some groups feeling alienated.
"These are gang riots but they are exacerbated by a (immigration) policy which suggests you treat people differently," said social commentator David Flint.
Many social and ethnic leaders said the violence was primarily "gang warfare" and not purely race riots and that the youths involved felt economically and socially disadvantaged.
"There is an increasing discourse of us versus them in Australian society which has been partly unleashed by the war against terror," said Melbourne University's language professor Michael Clyne, an advocate of multi-culturalism.
"It is very difficult to define a war against terror, so it means anyone can paint their own enemies."
But some politicians laid the blame squarely on racism.
"We are just getting a sample of what happened in France a few months ago," said Labor opposition politician Harry Quick.
"Sadly if you scratch Australians we are a racist society, it is only in the last 40-odd years that we have got rid of the White Australia (immigration) policy," Quick told television.
"We have reached a pressure cooker stage here. People of ethnic minority in Australia are just taking things into their own hands."

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Natural Gas Supplies to Ukraine in Danger...

Russia will cut off natural-gas supplies to Ukraine if no compromise is reached by Jan. 1 in a dispute over prices, officials with Russia's state-run gas monopoly said Tuesday, markedly raising the stakes in the increasingly acrimonious dispute.
Gas giant Gazprom also gave a tough rebuttal to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's proposal that price hikes for Russian gas supplies be gradually implemented. Moscow has proposed tripling its gas prices immediately.
In an interview with the Kremlin-backed satellite TV channel Russia Today, Gazprom Chief Executive Officer Alexei Miller said time was running out for reaching a new contract with Ukraine.
"If no compromise over Russian gas supplies to Ukraine is found before the New Year, the supplies will be stopped," Miller said, according to Russia Today.
About 80 percent of the natural gas Russia exports to Europe passes through Ukraine, which gets almost half of its gas imports from Russia.
"If we don't have a contract (with Ukraine) then all the gas in the pipe goes to European consumers," Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kuprianov said in comments on Ekho Moskvy radio.
"We want to avoid this situation, but we are preparing for a negative development," Kuprianov said.
Ukraine's state-run gas company Naftogaz Ukraina refused to comment. Ukraine's Fuel and Energy Minister Eduard Zanyuk was traveling in the gas-rich Central Asian nation of Turkmenistan and could not be located for comment.
Russia has proposed more than tripling the price it charges Ukraine for gas from the current $50 per 1,000 cubic meters. Ukraine has rejected the proposal, saying it would undermine the nation's industry.
A drastic spike in gas prices would also hit homeowners hard, since most apartments and residences in the poor former Soviet nation rely on gas for heating and cooking.
On Monday, Yushchenko promised that his country would guarantee Russian natural gas deliveries to Europe, and proposed an agreement whereby Ukraine would shift gradually to paying market prices for Russian gas.
Kuprianov said, however, in comments on state-run television that the proposal was "absolutely unacceptable." Such an arrangement could stretch the process over several years, he said. Negotiations that stretched late into the night Monday ended unsuccessfully, he said: "The talks ended with nothing."
Russian President Vladimir Putin struck a hard line last week, saying Ukraine's economy had seen fast growth this year and the government in Kiev had received substantial privatization revenues and Western loans.
Against the backdrop of its disagreements with Kiev, Russia has also pushed for alternate pipeline routes to supply gas to Europe.
Last week, Russian and German dignitaries marked the symbolic beginning for a pipeline that is to stretch along the Baltic seabed to Germany, allowing Russia to bypass the Ukrainian pipeline routes, as well as another that goes through Poland and Belarus.

The long and even short term threats to the political stability on Eastern Europe is palpable with such a string of events. If the prices of Natural Gas triple overnight in such a depressed economy the results could destroy any economic growth the Ukraine has enjoyed as a result of years of hard work toward democratization since the fall of the USSR. Let us pray for this situation and hope the West can help to alleviate some of the pressure either with Product, Transportation of Product, or monetarily.

The state of the Nations affairs:

As my first composition on the Truth Detecter i want to comment on the battle taking place in America between the Atheistic Left and the Conservative Right. Our battle lies in the distortion of the Truth that is as foriegn to the left as Mars is to an Earthling.

They like to be refered to as Secular Humanists as if that is a more accurate designation than an Atheist but they both mean the same thing and are equally as destructive to the future survivability of the United States as the Communistic and Anti American philosophies they espouse.

The times we live in are both invigerating and dangerous as we have the technology to live as gods do yet with that same technology we have the power to utterly destroy this amazing Planet Earth we so fondly call home. I truly fear man is incapable of controlling the ausome power we have created as a responsible parent would fear placing a dangerous weapon in the hands of a child.

The Governments of the World have proven to have a hunger for power with an unhealthy appetite for World Domination, and the two cravings combined equal a gluttonous binge resulting in who will become the fattest, most powerful bully in the World the fastest. This is most assuredly a recipe for disaster and with the players involved i fear the worst.

Feedback is welcome: